Educational Guide: class:-10


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Showing posts with label class:-10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label class:-10. Show all posts

Sunday, May 16, 2021

SEE Preparation For Science Q.N.21

May 16, 2021 0

SEE Science Preparation-2077

Group - D  Solution of Q.N.21

To See the solution of Q.N.21.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Force numericals SEE

June 30, 2020 0

 Unit-1                                           Force               ( class:-10)



1.     The distance between earth and moon is 36x108m. If the mass of the earth is 6x1024kg and mass of the moon is 7.2x1022kg. What is the gravitational force between them?



Distance between them(d) = 36x108m = 3.6x109m

Mass of the earth (M) = 6x1024kg

Mass of the moon (m) = 7.2x1022kg

Gravitational force (F) = ?

Gravitational constant (G) = 6.67 x10-11 Nm2/kg2.

Now, By using formula

 F = GMm/d2 =6.67 x10-11 x 6x1024 x 7.2x1022 /(3.6x109)2

Or , F = 288.144 x 1035 / 12.96 x1018 = 22.23 x 1017

\ F = 2.223 x 1018 N

2.     The mass and radius of Jupiter is 1.9x1027 kg and 71x106m respectively. Find the acceleration due to gravity of it. What will be the weight  of an object having mass 75 kg on that planet?



Mass of the Jupiter (M) = 1.9x1027

Mass of an object (m) = 75 kg

Radius of the Jupiter( R ) =71x106m = 7.1x107m

Acceleration due to gravity on Jupiter surface (g) = ?

Weight of an object (w) = ?

Now , By using formula

  g = GM/R2 /

or, g = 6.67 x10-11 x 1.9x1027  / (7.1x107 )2

or, g = 12.67 x1016 / 50.41 x 1014

or, g= 0.2513 x 102

\ g = 25.13 m/s2


\W = mxg = 75 x 25.13 = 1884.75 N

3.     The mass of Jupiter is 319 times greater than the mass of earth and the radius is 11 times greater than radius of earth. If the acceleration due to gravity on the earth surface is 9.8 m/s2. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Jupiter.



Mass of the Jupiter (MJ) = 319 Me.

Radius of the Jupiter(RJ) = 11 Re.

Acceleration due to gravity on the earth surface (ge) = 9.8 m/s2.

Acceleration due to gravity on the Jupiter surface (gj) = ?


Acceleration due to gravity on the earth surface is

  g=  GMe / Re2  or   9.8 =  GMe / Re2  …………………..eqn (i)

Acceleration due to gravity on the earth surface is

     g=  GMj / Rj2 

or, gj = G 319 Me / (11Re)2

or, gj = 319 GMe / 121Re2

or, gj = 319 / 121 x 9.8                                       [ GMe / Re2  = 9.8]

\ gj  = 25.83 m/s2.

4.     The earth is compressed to the size of the moon. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity of newly formed earth based on the data given below:-

Mass of the earth (Me) = 6x1024 kg

Mass of the moon (Mm) = 7.2x1022 kg.

Radius of the earth (Re) = 63800 km

Radius of the moon (Rm) = 1.7x103km



Mass of the earth (Me) = 6x1024 kg

Radius of the moon (Rm) = 1.7x103km =1.7x106m

Acceleration due to gravity of new earth(gn) = ?

gn = GMe / Re2  = 6.67x10-11 x 6x1024 / (1.7x106)2 = 40.02 x 1013/ 2.89x1012

  or, gn = 13.847x10

\ gn  = 138.47  m/s2.
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Monday, June 15, 2020

Metal Ch Science Notes,SEE

June 15, 2020 0
     Unit-11                                        Metals                                     Class:-10

Ø  Metals are electropositive elements ( Except hydrogen) which are ductile, malleable and lustrous.

       They are good conductor of heat and electricity.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Some Gases Ch Science Notes,SEE

June 09, 2020 0
           Unit-10                                   Some Gases                              Class:-10

Ø  Molecular formula is CO2  and it’s molecular mass is 44 amu.

·        Occurrences:-

Ø CO2 is found in free as well as in combined state in nature.

Ø It’s volume in atmosphere is found to be 0.03%.

It’s source is burning of fuel, volcanic eruption , smokes from  vehicles, respiration by living creatures , etc.

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Saturday, June 6, 2020

Acids,Base and Salt Ch-9 Science Notes,SEE

June 06, 2020 1
             Unit-9                Acids , Bases and Salts              Class:-10


Ø  The term “acid” has been derived from Latin term ‘acidus’ , which means ‘sour’.

Ø  An acid is a substance which produces hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water.

Examples:- Hydrochloric acid(Hcl) , sulphuric acid(H2SO4) , nitric acid(HNO3), etc
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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Chemical reaction Ch Science Notes, SEE

June 03, 2020 0
Unit-8                                   Chemical Reaction    
Ø  chemical reaction is a process that leads to the chemical transformation of one set               of chemical substances to another.
          It is also defined as the process of formation of new substance (product) due to                                 combination or rearrangement of broken molecules.

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Monday, June 1, 2020

Classification of Elements Ch Science Notes, SEE

June 01, 2020 0

Unit-7          Classification of elements                

Ø  The systematic arrangement all elements into different groups according to their similarities and dissimilarities is called classification of elements.

                                The standard chart of elements is called periodic table.
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Friday, May 29, 2020

Electricity and Magnetism Ch Science Notes,SEE

May 29, 2020 0

Unit-6                 Electricity and Magnetism             

Ø Electricity is a form of energy produced due to the flow of electrons through a conductor or the change in number of electrons in a body.

Ø There are two forms of electricity:

                         I.   Static electricity:- Electricity produced due to change in number of electrons in a body which does not transfer from one place to another is called static electricity.

             II. Current electricity:- Electricity produced due to flow of electrons through a                                  conductor is called current electricity. 
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Monday, May 25, 2020

Light Ch Science Notes,SEE

May 25, 2020 0

      Unit-5                              Light                                                       

Ø            Light is a form of energy which creates sensation of vision.

·       Lens:-

    A lens is the homogeneous transparent medium enclosed by at least one spherical surface.

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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Heat Ch Science Notes,SEE

May 24, 2020 0

Unit-4                                       HEAT                                               

Ø  Heat is a form of energy that gives sensation of warmth.

Ø  Heat is the total kinetic energy of molecules of a system.

Ø  It’s SI unit is joule & CGS unit is calorie.  1 calorie =4.2 joule

Ø  It’s formula :- Q = msdt

Ø   One calorie heat energy is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of pure water through one degree Celsius ( 10C )

# Effects of heat :-

    i. It can changes the temperature of body                     ii. It can changes the size of body.

    iii.It can changes solubility of body.                                Iv. It can changes state of matter.

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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Energy Ch Science Notes,SEE

May 23, 2020 0

Unit-3                                                ENERGY                             Class:- 10

Ø  Energy is the capacity of doing work. It’s SI unit is joule.

Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but can be changed from one form to another.
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Pressure Ch Science Notes,SEE

May 23, 2020 0

Unit-2                                                                                                  PRESSURE                                                       

Ø Pressure is defined as the force acting normally over the surface of unit area.

Ø Pressure (P) =  Force / Area

Ø SI unit is Nm-2 ( Newton per meter square ) or Pascal ( Pa)

1 Pascal is defined as the pressure exerted by one Newton force acting normally over one meter square area .i.e. 1 Pa = 1N/1m2

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Force Ch Science Notes,SEE

May 23, 2020 2

Unit-1                                                  Force          
                   Force is an external agent capable of changing the state of rest or motion of a particular body.

                                                       Gravitational force

The mutual force of attraction between two massive bodies in the universe is termed as gravitational force ( gravitation)
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